Grading Methodology

A+ Top 6%
A Next 6%
A- 6%
B+ 6%
B 6%
B- 6%
C+ 6%
C 6%
C- 6%
D+ 6%
D 6%
D- 6%
F Bottom 25%

This report compares the Canadian recovery in a variety of economic indicators to the other OECD countries. The merits of comparing to the OECD are explained in section 1 (the introduction) of the report.

For each economic measure, Canada is ranked in the OECD and a letter grade is assigned to that ranking.

In an effort to assign letter grades to the analysis the following grade distribution was established, comparable to a University grading bell curve. The bottom 25% of countries in any measure were determined to have “failed” and received an F. The remaining grades were distributed in 6.25% intervals. This means that the top 6.25 percentiles of countries received an A+ and the seventh to twelfth percentile received an A, and so on. 

In cases where not all OECD countries had comparable data (for example, for some measures only 25 or 28 of the 34 OECD countries had comparable data) percentiles were calculated using only countries with data. For each measure and calculation, the number of countries in the analysis is clearly stated.

This methodology supports the CCPA’s blog series, Grading Canada’s Economic Recovery: Behind the Spin on our Economy, which examines Canada’s economic recovery and scrutinizes the government’s economic message. Read the whole series over on Behind the Numbers.