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The Social and Economic Benefits of Minimum Wages in Canada
Anatomy of a needless war READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. Nato leaders have hailed their war against Yugoslavia as a moral crusade in which they…
Introduction The following essays by Sandy Cameron are something of a departure for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Most of what our Centre publishes…
Summer 1999, Volume 2, Number 3 Download 68.12 KB4 pages Inside this issue: Trade – A British Columbia Perspective After MacMillan Bloedel: How will Merger-Mania…
The Anatomy of a Needless War Download 91.21 KB23 pages
On Tax Fairness For Canadian Families With Dependent Children Download 49.98 KB
How Socio-Economic Factors Affect Our Well-Being In this CCPA book, Health and Wealth, economic consultant and social policy specialist Monica Townson explains why the goal…
Spring 1999, Volume 2, Number 2 Download 62.64 KB4 pages Inside this issue: Social Programs in BC Budgeting and Sin
In these days of bloated stock prices and low bond yields, it can be tough to find a good investment. Speculating on the wild ups…
Why Education Spending is a Good Investment for BC Download 378.75 KB23 pages
When the workers at the ill-fated Gold River pulp mill took their severance packages last week, it marked closure on a frustrating struggle to save…
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