Unions Democracy and Equality

CCPA recently released a series of three publications documenting the critical role unions have played in reducing inequality and enhancing democracy in Canada. These publications also examine the forces at work to undermine union strength.

Unions and Democracy by Christopher Schenk. This report examines how unions have also had a positiive influence in their communities, in society at large and on the quality of our democracy.

Understanding Union Security and its Effects by Brynne Sinclair-Waters. This paper looks at how Conservative proposals, imported from the US, would threaten unioin security in Ontario by removing the Rand Formula requirement of mandatory dues payment, and allowing workers to opt out of the bargaining unit.

The Creation of Shared Prosperity in Canada: Unions, corporaitons and Countervailing Power by Jordan Brennan. This report looks at the ways union renewal could play a crucial role in restoring the middle class in Canada. 
