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CERB: More than just an income program

Sub Title: 
CERB played a key role easing the transition back to work
Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Number of pages in documents: 
37 pages
6.34 MB37 pages

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 triggered the introduction of public health measures that would close large sectors of the economy and send millions of workers home. In two short months, the unemployment rate reached 14.1 per cent—the highest level since 1936, in the midst of the Great Depression. In all, 2.7 million workers lost their job outright, while another 2.2 million lost all or half of their working hours. Many more would be affected in the months ahead as the economy recovered in fits and starts.

Extractivisme fossile, verrou carbone et mobilisation sociale dans l’Est du Canada : un état des lieux

Release Date: 
Monday, June 5, 2023
Number of pages in documents: 
32 pages
1.51 MB32 pages

Le nouveau rapport fait l’état des lieux de la vaste infrastructure existante et proposée pour l’exploration, l’extraction, le transport, le raffinage, la distribution et la consommation des hydrocarbures dans les quatre provinces de l'Atlantique et au Québec.

Les autrices et auteurs soulignent que:

Mapping Fossil Fuel Lock-In and Contestation in Eastern Canada

Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Number of pages in documents: 
33 pages
1.42 MB33 pages

In partnership with the CCPA-British Columbia and the Corporate Mapping Project, this report highlights fossil fuel lock-in in Eastern Canada mapping the extensive existing and proposed fossil fuel exploration, extraction, transportation, refining distribution and consumption infrastructure in the four Atlantic provinces and Québec. Despite Eastern Canada being highly invested in oil and gas production, the region is often left out of energy policy discussions typically focused on Western provinces. 

The authors highlight:

Report: Half of Canada’s young children still live in child care deserts due to shortage of licensed spaces

Lowering fees to $10-a-day is a good plan, but parents are still hard-pressed to find licensed spaces
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 16, 2023


OTTAWA—With 48 per cent of younger children living in postal codes that have a shortage of licensed child care spaces, the next phase of Canada’s $10-a-day child care plan must significantly ramp up expansion, says a new report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).


On n’y est pas encore

Sub Title: 
Pour se doter de services de garde à 10 $ par jour, il faut remédier au problème des déserts de services de garde au Canada
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Number of pages in documents: 
59 pages
4.75 MB59 pages

Alors qu’une vague de services de garde à l’enfance à 10 $ par jour déferle au Canada, on se bute à une pierre d’achoppement majeure : il n’y a tout simplement pas suffisamment de places en garderie pour répondre à la demande.

Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP) Consultations

Sub Title: 
Evaluating the costs and benefits of participation in this U.S.-led and U.S.-designed project.
Release Date: 
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Number of pages in documents: 
5 pages
111.8 KB5 pages

Between March 25 and May 9, the federal government consulted the public on Canada’s participation in a U.S.-led trade negotiation called the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP). The hemispheric scope of APEP has naturally drawn parellels with the Free Trade Area of the Americas, a failed attempt between 1994 and 2005 to extend NAFTA to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. But in this case, it’s not clear what kinds of trade and investment disciplines APEP will include or if they will be enforceable through state-to-state dispute settlement.

Federal wealth tax would raise over $30 billion in first year: economist

Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

VANCOUVER —A federal wealth tax could provide ongoing revenue for much-needed investments in public programs and help rein in extreme economic inequality, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives BC Office’s latest modelling for such a tax shows.
