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Cette année marque le vingt-cinquième anniversaire de l’un des organismes autochtones les plus innovateurs et fructueux de Winnipeg, le centre Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata. Celui-ci a été mis sur pied en 1984 grâce aux efforts d’Autochtones, surtout des femmes par l'entremise d’organismes autochtones pour femmes. En 1997, Ma Mawi a entrepris une transformation remarquable, se recréant en tant qu’organisme authentiquement autochtone.
“Anti-Racism in Education: Missing In Action, a book I am glad to be part of, addresses needs across the educational spectrum, from primary school up to and including university, and addresses quite directly the link to our workplaces and to ongoing issues of societal and institutional racism. It also looks at the relationship between education and other systems in which racialized and Aboriginal peoples face on-going challenges, e.g., children’s aid societies and law enforcement.
OTTAWA – Income inequality between Aboriginal peoples and the rest of Canadians is stubbornly high, says a groundbreaking new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). For every dollar non-Aboriginals earned in 2006, Aboriginal peoples earned only 70 cents – a slight narrowing from 1996 when it was 56 cents for every dollar, say co-authors Dan Wilson and David Macdonald, who dug into 2006 Census data to quantify, for the first time ever, the Aboriginal income gap in Canada.
OTTAWA – L’inégalité de revenu entre les Autochtones et le reste des Canadiens perdure, affirme le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) dans une nouvelle étude qui marque une étape.
On February 17, 2010, the Mayor’s Executive Policy Committee (EPC) passed a motion to provide a grant in the amount of $225,000 per year for 15 years in support of the Youth for Christ Centre of Excellence. On February 24th, Winnipeg City Council will vote on the motion. As service providers working with inner-city youth, our organizations strongly agree that we need to increase recreational opportunities for inner-city youth in Winnipeg. However, we strongly oppose public funding for the Youth for Christ Centre.
In the lead-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009, Stephen Lewis laments in this issue of Our Schools/Our Selves that it may be too late to prevent a climate catastrophe.
This text will give the reader some understanding of the complexities of standardized testing and performance assessment in education – particularly for aboriginal students.