Health, health care system, pharmacare

Subscribe to Health, health care system, pharmacare
I sometimes wonder if former prime minister Brian Mulroney still feels any pain. Back in 2005, Mulroney received full-blown chest surgery after having undergone a "preventive" health screen. His surgery and subsequent re-hospitalization for complications came after what the media called a "routine CT lung scan."
Home support services improve quality of life for frail seniors and people with chronic conditions or disabilities, and help prevent their health from deteriorating further. Cuts to home support in BC have seriously compromised the effectiveness of these services. This report lays out three policy recommendations that would strengthen and expand home support in a practical and cost-effective way. The paper calls for an increase of the provincial home support budget by $100 million per year in order to implement the proposed reforms.
OTTAWA—Health Canada’s drug safety procedures leave a lot to be desired, says a new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Drug Safety and Health Canada: Going, Going… Gone? by Dr. Joel Lexchin says Health Canada’s priorities are skewed in favour of rapid approval of new drugs at the expense of the post-marketing pharmaco-surveillance system.
(Vancouver) A major study released today finds that BC’s home and community health care system is in serious decline — the result of reduced access to services and poorly planned restructuring. An Uncertain Future for Seniors: BC’s Restructuring of Home and Community Health Care 2001-2008 builds on past CCPA studies. It provides detailed evidence related to concerns raised recently by the BC Auditor General, the BC Medical Association and the BC Care Providers Association about the deteriorating state of seniors’ care in BC. Key findings include:
TORONTO – La majorité des ménages du Canada bénéficient d’une meilleure qualité de vie parce que les services publics que paie l’argent de leurs impôts constituent une très bonne affaire, selon une nouvelle étude du Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA). Canada’s Quiet Bargain: The Benefits of Public Spending répond à des appels incessants en faveur de réductions d’impôts et conclut que les services publics apportent une contribution importante au niveau de vie de la majorité des Canadiens – et qu’ils représentent au moins 50 % de leur revenu.
TORONTO – The majority of Canadian households enjoy a higher quality of life because the public services their taxes fund come at a solid bargain, according to a new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Canada’s Quiet Bargain: The Benefits of Public Spending responds to incessant calls for tax cuts and concludes public services make a significant contribution to the majority of Canadians’ standard of living – worth at least 50% of their income. Accesible, high-quality care for seniors : this issue touches everyone at some point in their lives — seniors receiving health services, people caring for aging relatives, anyone who worries about what their own life will be like when they grow old. Carla talks about the challenges of helping seniors as a home support worker.