Employment and labour

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While Saskatchewan’s economy has outperformed the rest of the country for the past few years, many underserved groups have not benefitted from the province’s economic expansion. The adoption of a Living Wage by Saskatchewan municipalities and employers would offer a chance to more equally share the benefits of a booming economy. The income security derived from the Living Wage benefits not only workers, but their families as well, improving health and child development outcomes.
TORONTO – Today’s recommendation by the province’s Minimum Wage Advisory Panel to tie the province’s minimum wage to cost of living increases is both welcome news and unfinished business, said Trish Hennessy, Ontario Director of the CCPA.
Les PDG du Canada célèbrent l’arrivée du Nouvel An avec éclat. Tout juste après la pause du dîner de la première journée de travail officielle de l’année, les PDG les mieux rémunérés du Canada ont encaissé ce que la majorité de la population canadienne prendra l’année 2014 tout entière à empocher. L'infographique ci-dessous illustre quelques faits saillants concernant la rémunération des PDG. Apprenez-en plus dans notre rapport, Une journée de travail bien remplie: La rémunération des PDG au Canada.
时间已经过去两年,不列颠哥伦比亚省就业计划难于兑现 作者:伊格利卡·伊万诺娃 (Iglika Ivanova) 2014年1月 在很多地方的文化中,传统上一般新年愿望都是希望实现繁荣。但是经过一年的经济缓慢增长,不列颠哥伦比亚省实际上在失去很多工作岗位,这个省只有很少数家庭能看到此愿望的实现。 至少来说,这么弱的就业市场表现在经济危机四年之后的经济复苏中实属罕见。这导致不列颠哥伦比亚省居民不得不怀疑省政府的龙头经济刺激策略--不列颠哥伦比亚省就业计划,正在面临失败。 我在加拿大政策选择中心(Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)发表的一份新的报告可以就这个问题提供一些答案。 不列颠哥伦比亚省就业计划实施检测报告就2011年9月就业计划宣布实施以来的近两年中劳动力市场表现指标进行了仔细检查,并与经济复苏进度进行了比较。 调查结果显示经济复苏并没有使工作机会增加-- 不列颠哥伦比亚省就业计划并未奏效。尽管全加拿大就业市场复苏的表现已经令人失望,但不列颠哥伦比亚省的表现仍低于全国平均水平。高于经济危机之前水平2%的居高不下的失业率只是冰山的一角。
  Nora Loreto's new book, From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement, is a publication of Our Schools, Our Selves, and as such part of the CCPA's Education Project. It's a book that should be added to the toolkit of any educator interested in collective consciousness-raising in the 21st century.
This report assesses the impact of the BC Jobs Plan two years in. The government's six-month progress reports have declared it a success, but the numbers tell a different story. Along with the report, we've created this shareable infographic. (Click to enlarge)
It’s traditional in many cultures to usher in the New Year with wishes for prosperity. But after a year of slow growth when the province actually lost jobs, fewer BC families can expect to see those wishes come true. To see such weak job market performance four years into a post-recession recovery is unusual to say the least. It leaves British Columbians rightly wondering if the provincial government’s flagship economic initiative, the BC Jobs Plan, is failing to deliver.
Our report BC Jobs Plan Reality Check: The First Two Years analyzes the impact of the BC Jobs Plan, launched in 2011 because of the slow recovery from the 2008-2009 recession. As shown here, the plan is failing to deliver: we need 94,000 more jobs just to return to pre-recession employment levels. Click for a larger image
(Vancouver) Statistics Canada data reveals that BC’s labour market stalled in 2013, despite the much-hyped BC Jobs Plan launched over two years ago. A new report looks at how and why the plan is failing, and calls for a more diversified and sustainable approach to job creation.
Hennessy’s Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA's Trish Hennessy, about Canada and its place in the world. For other months, visit: http://policyalternatives.ca/index