Economy and economic indicators

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Manitoba is a province of economic growth and economic disparity. It is a province with low unemployment rates, diverse development and incredible resource wealth.  On the flip side, Manitoba has continuously had some of the highest child poverty rates in Canada, the highest homicide rates, and Winnipeg has been called the most racist city in Canada.  This paradox of development and disparity is not without hope. In Manitoba there is also a rich set of grassroots organizations intent on tackling poverty, racism, crime and disparity.
There was a time when securing a good-paying forestry job in British Columbia was not just an option but an expectation for many. This was a time when the provincial government took an active role in managing our public forests and overseeing the activities of private companies whose workers cut trees, milled wood and made pulp.
This report finds that instead of environmental stewardship, BC has advanced policies of liquidating forests by clear-cutting countless valleys and allowing giant corporations to demolish this great natural asset and move on.
VANCOUVER—BC must dramatically change how forestry is managed and governed if it hopes to reverse today’s troubling trends, says Bob Williams, who served as the province’s forest minister in the early 1970s, in a new report for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Williams says it is essential to shift decision-making away from unaccountable transnational forestry corporations to regional planning councils that are accountable to rural communities and First Nations.
The eleventh in an annual series, this year's report on CEO compensation finds that, for the first time, Canada’s 100 highest paid CEOs netted 209 times more than the average worker made in 2016. Canadian CEOs are again taking home pre-2008-crisis levels of compensation, pushing the income gap between Canada’s top executives and the average worker to record highs.
OTTAWA - Pour la première fois de l'histoire, les 100 hauts dirigeants les mieux rémunérés du Canada ont gagné 209 fois plus que le travailleur moyen en 2016, révèle un nouveau rapport du Centre canadien de politiques alternatives. Le rapport indique que les 100 PDG les mieux rémunérés des sociétés sur l'indice composé S&P/TSX touchent maintenant en moyenne 10,4 millions de dollars, soit 209 fois le revenu moyen de 49 738 $, en hausse par rapport à 193 fois plus en 2015.
OTTAWA – For the first time, Canada’s 100 highest paid CEOs netted 209 times more than the average worker made in 2016, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). The report shows the country’s highest 100 paid CEOs on the S&P/TSX Composite index now make, on average, $10.4 million — 209 times the average income of $49,738, up from 193 times more in 2015.
Disruption. It’s the catchphrase du jour, usually wielded by one presumptuous tech upstart or another to challenge the market power of an allegedly ossifying incumbent. Frequently, but not always, to justify the displacement of low- or middle-income workers with an even more precarious, low-cost, on-demand workforce.
OTTAWA — Une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd'hui par le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) fait le point sur les villes au Canada où les services de garde d'enfants sont les plus chers et les moins chers. Les tarifs ont augmenté plus rapidement que l'inflation dans 71 % des villes depuis l'an passé et dans 82 % des villes depuis 2014.