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BC Jobs Plan Reality Check: The First Two Years

Release Date: 
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Additional Documents: 
Attached Document Title: 
BC Jobs Plan Reality Check: The First Two Years
BC Jobs Plan Reality Check: The First Two Years — SUMMARY
Number of pages in documents: 
34 pages
4 pages
2.2 MB34 pages

This report assesses the impact of the BC Jobs Plan two years in. The government's six-month progress reports have declared it a success, but the numbers tell a different story. Along with the report, we've created this shareable infographic. (Click to enlarge)

BC Jobs Plan failing to deliver, says new report: change in strategy needed to boost job creation

Release Date: 
Thursday, January 9, 2014

(Vancouver) Statistics Canada data reveals that BC’s labour market stalled in 2013, despite the much-hyped BC Jobs Plan launched over two years ago. A new report looks at how and why the plan is failing, and calls for a more diversified and sustainable approach to job creation.


CEO earnings are a stark contrast to the average Canadian income

Five years after a global recession knocked the wind out of Canada’s labour market, throwing tens of thousands of workers onto the unemployment line and sidelining a generation of young workers, the compensation of Canada’s CEO elite continues to sail along. 

By 1:11pm on January 2, the first official working day of the year, Canada’s highest paid CEOs have already pocketed $46,634 — what it takes most Canadians an entire year, working full-time, to earn.


Une journée de travail bien remplie

Sub Title: 
La rémunération des PDG au Canada
Release Date: 
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Attached Document Title: 
Une journée de travail bien remplie: La rémunération des PDG au Canada
Number of pages in documents: 
16 pages
306.29 KB16 pages

Cinq ans après la récession mondiale qui a déstabilisé le marché du travail canadien en jetant au chômage des dizaines de milliers de travailleurs et travailleuses et en marginalisant une génération de jeunes, la rémunération de l’élite que forment les PDG canadiens continue d’augmenter de manière fulgurante. 

Le rapport qui suit examine de près la rémunération des PDG des 240 sociétés canadiennes cotés à l’indice TSX. Il comprend un classement des 100 chefs d’entreprise les mieux rémunérés et situe leur rémunération globale moyenne.

All in a Day’s Work?

Sub Title: 
CEO Pay in Canada
Release Date: 
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Attached Document Title: 
All in a Day’s Work? CEO Pay in Canada
Number of pages in documents: 
14 pages
683.54 KB14 pages

Five years after a global recession knocked the wind out of Canada’s labour market, throwing tens of thousands of workers onto the unemployment line and sidelining a generation of young workers, the compensation of Canada’s CEO elite continues to sail along. 

This paper takes a snapshot of the 240 publicly listed Canadian corporations on the TSX Index, ranks the highest paid 100 CEOs on that list, and determines their average total compensation.