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Pension Funds and Fossil Fuels

Sub Title: 
The Economic Case for Divestment
Release Date: 
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Attached Document Title: 
Pension Funds and Fossil Fuels
Number of pages in documents: 
46 pages
969.66 KB46 pages

The study makes the economic case for divestment from fossil fuels, due to risk factors such as aggressive new climate policies. It is aimed at informing pension fund trustees about the risks associated with fossil fuel investments, and for interested workers who want to better understand what their pension money is up to, and how to ask the right questions.

The Young and the Leveraged

Sub Title: 
Assessing the Impact of a Housing Market Correction on Canada's Homeowners
Release Date: 
Monday, November 9, 2015
Attached Document Title: 
The Young and the Leveraged
Number of pages in documents: 
22 pages
546.8 KB22 pages

This study finds that young homeowners would be hardest hit by a correction in Canada’s housing market. CCPA Senior Economist David Macdonald assesses the impact of a housing market correction on the net worth of Canadian families and finds a 20% decline in real estate prices would leave 169,000 families under 40 underwater, with more debts than assets. Canadian families are taking on disconcerting levels of debt to finance their real estate dreams.

An Agenda for Social Change: 2016 Calendar

Release Date: 
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Number of pages in documents: 
48 pages

The CCPA is pleased to introduce our 2016 Calendar: An Agenda for Social Change. This is about more than keeping you organized – each month identifies and describes key dates in Canada’s social justice history. Each day readers have an opportunity to explore how debates about equality, gender, environment, First Nations, labour, trade, and social programs shape our development and identity.

The Monitor, November/December 2015

Sub Title: 
Canada and Climate Change
Release Date: 
Sunday, November 1, 2015
10.9 MB

There is a new government in Ottawa, led by a party that promised, during the long election campaign, to provide national leadership on climate change, put a price on carbon and work with the provinces to lower emissions.

Attached Document Title: 
The Monitor, November/December 2015

How Much Income Tax Could Canada's Top 1% Pay?

Release Date: 
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Attached Document Title: 
How Much Income Tax Could Canada's Top 1% Pay?
Number of pages in documents: 
50 pages
840.17 KB50 pages

How much more could Canada's richest 1% be paying in income tax? This study concludes that there is more than enough scope for the federal government to raise the top marginal income tax rate on those earning $200,000 or more to 33%. In fact, during Canada’s high growth years between 1940 and 1980, the top marginal income tax rate was well over 70%.

The Wrong Track

Sub Title: 
A Decade of Privatization in Saskatchewan, 2004 – 2015
Release Date: 
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Additional Documents: 
Attached Document Title: 
The Wrong Track: A Decade of Privatization in Saskatchewan, 2004 – 2015
Privatization in Saskatchewan 2004 - 2015: A Pocket Timeline
Number of pages in documents: 
40 pages
12 pages
4.78 MB40 pages

Privatization in Saskatchewan has often been described as a “political third rail” – an issue so potentially volatile that is can be handled only with the utmost care. Certainly, there is little doubt, given the political baggage that privatization carries, that politicians in Saskatchewan exercise extra caution when raising the issue. As Leader-Post columnist Murray Mandryk colourfully puts it, “Welcome to Saskatchewan where, if you are talking privatization, you best check out all the exits.”

De la diabolisation à l’organisation

L’émergence du nouveau mouvement syndical
Release Date: 
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

« Dans ce livre, Nora Loreto propose une vision rafraichie de l’indispensable mouvement syndical à la jeune génération de Canadiens et Canadiennes que la mondialisation avare et cruelle des entreprises a laissés sans protection. Lisez-le et devenez les maitres de votre avenir en vous engageant avec conviction sur le chemin de la justice pour les travailleurs et travailleuses. »

—Ralph Nader

Attached Document Title: 
[Aperçu] Table des matières et l'introduction