Taxes and tax cuts

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Unconventional Wisdom reproduces three lectures about the state of economics in the 21st century, inspired by the life and work of the late John Kenneth Galbraith, a great Canadian and one of the most influential economists of all time. The lectures form the first works related to a new biennial prize in economics, established by the Progressive Economics Forum, in Galbraith’s honour.
Halifax, NS­ - Le Centre Canadien de Politiques Alternatives présente son « Budget Alternatif » pour la Nouvelle-Ecosse aujourd’hui. Un budget provincial a besoin de garantir que tous les Néo‐Écossais, notamment les plus vulnérables, soient suffisamment protégés pendant le ralentissement économique et qu’une reprise de la croissance puisse être bénéfique au plus grand nombre. Il faut renforcir les services publiques afin de protéger les Néo‐Écossais pendant cette période troubler, mais aussi leur assurer une prospérité économique à moyen et long terme.
HALIFAX- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia releases its ‘alternative budget’ today entitled Responding to the Crisis, Building for the Future. The provincial budget needs to ensure that all Nova Scotians, particularly the most vulnerable, are adequately protected during the current downturn, and that more Nova Scotians benefit when the economy recovers. We need to strengthen public services that will insulate Nova Scotians from a changing climate and a changing economy.
Many conservative politicians and business executives have denounced rather than acclaimed the government stimulus plans recently launched in the United States and Canada. They charge that, instead of reviving the sick economy, massive additional government spending will be poured down a drain of unproductive waste, making the recession worse.
TORONTO – La majorité des ménages du Canada bénéficient d’une meilleure qualité de vie parce que les services publics que paie l’argent de leurs impôts constituent une très bonne affaire, selon une nouvelle étude du Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA). Canada’s Quiet Bargain: The Benefits of Public Spending répond à des appels incessants en faveur de réductions d’impôts et conclut que les services publics apportent une contribution importante au niveau de vie de la majorité des Canadiens – et qu’ils représentent au moins 50 % de leur revenu.
TORONTO – The majority of Canadian households enjoy a higher quality of life because the public services their taxes fund come at a solid bargain, according to a new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Canada’s Quiet Bargain: The Benefits of Public Spending responds to incessant calls for tax cuts and concludes public services make a significant contribution to the majority of Canadians’ standard of living – worth at least 50% of their income.
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Ontario’s 2009-10 budget is a substantial, complex budget.