Alternative budgets

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Click here to read the original report (2023) that this piece updates.  With Canada’s federal budget just one month away, a new analysis from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) and Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) finds that Canada still is not spending what it takes to respond to the climate crisis – but that effective, achievable solutions are at hand.
Cliquez ici pour la version francaise For 29 years, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) has been publishing our annual Alternative Federal Budget (AFB). The AFB is an exercise in imagination. Our purpose is to expand the collective imagination of what is possible, to instill hope in hard times, and to make crystal clear alternatives to the status quo.
Click here for the English version Depuis 29 ans, le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) publie chaque année un budget fédéral alternatif (BFA). Le BFA est un exercice d’imagination. Son objectif est d’entraîner l’imaginaire collectif à voir toutes les possibilités, d’insuffler de l’espoir dans les moments difficiles et de proposer des alternatives claires au statu quo.
The 2023 Manitoba budget proposes over half a billion dollars in tax cuts, but many Manitobans won’t see a dime, while the richest Manitobans will get the lion’s share of this money. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has shown that over 100,000 Manitobans – those with the lowest income and most in need – will get nothing from these tax cuts.  In fact, the bottom 500,000+ Manitobans will get less than the 100,000+ highest-income Manitobans.
Dowload individual shareables below thanks to the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg!
Click here for english version Le Canada se trouve à un carrefour. Nous sommes confrontés à de nombreux problèmes pressants qui exigent des actions immédiates, notamment : La COVID-19 et ses répercussions, l’inflation qui gruge des chèques de paie stagnants, nos réseaux de santé poussés à leurs limites, la crise climatique et la nécessité de démanteler le colonialisme et le racisme systémique.
Cliquez ici pour la version française Canada is at a crossroads. We are facing multiple pressing challenges  that need immediate action: The ongoing impact of Covid-19, inflation gnawing at stagnant paycheques, a health care system squeezed to the limit, the climate crisis, and the ongoing need to dismantle colonialism and systemic racism. 
Previously published in the Winnipeg Free Press June 8, 2022
The 2022 Winnipeg Alternative Municipal Budget is a community effort co-written by 27 authors from 18 community organizations. After two decades of austerity and two pandemic years, the City of Winnipeg is at a crossroads. Infrastructure is crumbling and services are facing cuts year after year. A housing crisis, heightened police violence, and the effects of climate change all loom large in Winnipeg.
