The CCPA Saskatchewan office was established in 2002 to help the province address pressing social and economic issues affecting our province.
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The Saskatchewan government’s election year budget does what you would expect an election year budget to do. It paints a picture of a robust, growing…
In October 2023, the government of Saskatchewan passed a “Parents’ Bill of Rights.” The main focus of the legislation (which amends The Education Act, 1995) is…
It won’t surprise anybody that reads OS/OS that the costs of a university education is increasingly being transferred from governments on to the backs of…
For the first time in more than a decade and for only the fourth time since 1973, people in Saskatchewan are facing interruptions to schooling due…
We’re starting the New Year in an upstream frame of mind, bringing you the brightest thinking from a June 2023 Parkland Institute conference, An Economy…
From every office – CCPA researchers picked their favourite graphs of the past year.
Across industries, the “union advantage” is undeniable for workers—no matter what employer propaganda says
There’s no evidence that banning replacement workers makes strikes longer. Employer organizations simply want to keep using scabs.
Scott Moe is teaching a master class in political opportunism
The 2022 living wage for Regina and Saskatoon Download 3 MB 12 pages The Saskatchewan Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives calculates that…
The State of Saskatchewan’s Post-Secondary Sector Download 8.94 MB24 pages Fund the Future: The State of Saskatchewan’s Post-Secondary Sector was prepared on behalf of the…
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