Manitoba Office
Established in 1997, the Manitoba Office investigates key challenges facing our province through quality, peer-reviewed, research, analysis and expertise.
From repairs to rent hikes
Tenant experiences show that loopholes in rent-control system require tighter legislation from Province of Manitoba
Justice Murray Sinclair’s legacy must live on
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Time to End Tax Cuts and Invest in Public Services
The cumulative impact of decades of regressive tax cuts has created the severe social, economic, and environmental problems seen daily in Manitoba. Tax cuts are…
Supporting Community-Led Development in Manitoba
Despite the current challenges facing communities and research supporting the benefits of community-led development (CLD), Manitoba hasn’t had a functioning, comprehensive CLD strategy or dedicated…
The latest research, analysis and commentary on issues that matter to you
manitoba Updates-
Supporting Community-Led Development in Manitoba
Despite the current challenges facing communities and research supporting the benefits of community-led development (CLD), Manitoba hasn’t had a functioning, comprehensive CLD strategy or dedicated…
Understanding Manitoba’s Social Housing Transformation
This report documents the process of Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation’s (hereafter called MHRC) devolution of public housing that took place from 2016–2021. In 2019,…
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Follow the Money
February 5, 11:45 am – 1:00 pm 275 Broadway, The Union Centre, room 107
Justice Murray Sinclair’s legacy must live on
Our content is fiercely open source and we never paywall our website. The support of our community makes this possible.
Manitoba Office Projects
Manitoba Alternative Provincial and Municipal Budgets