Children and youth

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Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are a relatively new way of financing social services in Canada. They differ from the normal way of financing social services in that they are funded initially by pri­vate sector businesses or foundations, which are reimbursed by governments after 3 to 7 years only if certain agreed upon performance measures are met.
This winter, a 53 year-old woman died overnight in minus 32-degree temperatures, frozen to death on the streets of downtown Winnipeg. This tragic and preventable loss serves as a reminder of how Winnipeg is failing to support people who need it the most and that the homelessness crisis affects women. This study renews calls to action to deal with this tremendously unjust situation—so that we need not have even another year of women’s homelessness in Winnipeg and Manitoba.
Cette étude, la troisième d'une série commençant en 2014, révèle les villes les plus coûteuses et les moins chères pour les services de garde au Canada. L'étude fournit un aperçu annuel des frais parentaux médians de garde d'enfants dans les 28 plus grandes villes du Canada pour les nourrissons, les bambins et les enfants d'âge préscolaire. Il trouve que les listes d'attente sont communs pour les garderies réglementés.
In a response to the Ontario Ministry of Education's consultations on child care and early years strategy, CCPA-Ontario Director Trish Hennessy says that child care should be universally affordable to all and outlines key principles for developing a provincial child care policy: universal accessibility, afforability, high quality, responsiveness to families and public/not-for-profit.
Looking for BC Update and BC Commentary? Look no further. We’ve combined the two to create BC Solutions. Through this new publication, we’re pleased to be better able to keep you up-to-date on research, events and other goings-on at the CCPA–BC Office. In this issue:
First published in the Winnipeg Free Press Dec 22, 2016 Manitoba’s childcare system is staggering to meet the needs of parents and children, and recent signs give little confidence the new provincial government will respond effectively. Over a dozen community groups who are ready to proceed with building not-for-profit childcare spaces have had their promised provincial capital grants abruptly frozen, halting all expansion. Wait lists for childcare in Manitoba are at an all-time high, at over 15,000 names up from 12,000 just two years ago.
Il est inquiétant, quoique pas étonnant, de constater que malgré les initiatives de certaines provinces les services de garde au Canada à ce jour demeurent inabordables, inaccessibles et de qualité inégale.
Canada's child care systems can vary dramatically from province to province and city to city. But no matter where you live, one thing’s for sure: child care isn’t getting less expensive. In fact, in many cities, child care fees are rising three times faster than inflation—that means some parents are paying $1,000 a more a year per child than they did just two years ago. How much are you paying in child care? Find out which Canadian cities are the most and least expensive in our ranking below. (Click on image to view full size)
OTTAWA — Le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA) a dévoilé aujourd’hui une nouvelle étude qui révèle les villes où les garderies sont les plus abordables et les moins abordables au Canada.
OTTAWA—A new study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) updates the most and least expensive cities for child care in Canada.